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Green Card Winner Testimonials

More than 21.000 winners are the living proof that it is possible to make your dream of living and working in the USA a reality. Read more about our winners who won a Green Card with us.

Voices of our Green Card winners:

Franziska & Benjamin K.
Dear American Dream Team, thank you very much for the great support in applying for our Green Card! Now we can start our business in the USA!
Franziska & Benjamin K. - Heppenheim, Germany
Matthias H.
It worked out the first time and now I'm going to mix up the media industry in Los Angeles a bit! Thanks to TAD for making this possible and the support.
Matthias H. - Munich, Germany
Sebastian E.
I could only believe it myself when I was at the US consulate in Frankfurt, Germany. Now I actually have the proper green card. The support and the thorough preparation from TAD during the whole process were great. Special thanks and to all participants of the on-going lottery: Never give up! I did win after the fourth time.
Sebastian E. - Munich, Germany
Patrick S.
There are moments of pure joy in life. After my first participation I won in the second draw. This is not only a dream come true but also a strong desire. I wish everyone else best of luck. And thanks a lot to The American Dream team.
Patrick S. - Dübendorf, Switzerland
Peter und Svenja L.
Unbelievable – We are actually holding our Green Cards in our hands! The first try was already successful. Last year on Peter’s birthday we received the winner’s notification. This year’s birthday we were in Los Angeles. Our activation trip was magical. Thanks so much to the TAD team for the trouble-free experience!
Peter and Svenja L. - Bahlingen, Germany
Marjian J.
First, I couldn't believe that I really won. Now I can finally hold it in my hand and can start living my dream in the USA. Thanks so much to The American Dream Team. Great service and very helpful!
Marijan J. - Pirmasens, Germany
Ulrich, Andrea & Lena V.
We were lucky enough to win the second time we tried! From that moment on The American Dream was very helpful and supportive. Thank you very much for your friendly assistance in the past couple of months, great team! It wouldn’t have been possible without you! In July 2018 we went on our activation trip and next February we are flying over again to turn our American dream into reality.
Ulrich, Andrea & Lena V. - Dresden, Germany
Jacqueline L. GreenCard Gewinnerin
Thanks to the great support from The American Dream, my dream of living in the USA is now a reality! I am heading towards the Sunshine State Florida where I have the feeling that I am at home.
Jacqueline L. - Essen, Germany
Simone S.
You have made my childhood dream come true! What hung for years as a picture on the wall finally comes true... Miami - here I come! As an architect and designer, I now want to develop my own kitchen series for the American market and am now looking for investors who want to support me. Best wishes from Munich, Simone
Simone S. - Munich, Germany
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