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How much do you earn in the USA?

Are you planning to live and work in the USA? Then, you should know the average income in the United States. The latest data from the US Census provides some insight.

Average household income in the USA

Based on data from the new census, the average real household income in the United States in 2022 was $ 74,580. However, it is crucial to remember that these are national averages, and incomes can vary widely depending on where people live, their occupations, and their education.

How much of an impact does education have on income in the US?

Education is also an important determinant of income in the United States. Census data show that households with a college degree or graduate degree had the highest median income ($ 118,300) in 2022.

In contrast, the median income for those with less education (e.g., a high school diploma) was $ 51,470. This large gap underscores the importance of investing in education for long-term financial success in the USA.

Influence of age on income

An important determinant of income levels in the United States is age. We look at median income as a function of the age of the "head of household:"

Age of head of household in the US Median income
15 to 24 years: $ 52,460
25 to 34 years: $ 80,240
35 to 44 years: $ 96,630
45 to 54 years: $ 101,500
55 to 64 years: $ 81,240

According to the US Census, households between the ages of 45 and 54 tend to have the highest median income.

Effect of origin on income in the US

According to the US Census, the origin of the head of household, i.e., whether they were born domestically or abroad, also plays a role in income inequality:

Origin and residence status of the US worker Median income
Born in the USA: $ 75,210
Born abroad: $ 71,350
Naturalized aliens: $ 80,760
Non-citizen aliens: $ 62,030

These statistics show, for example, that naturalized US citizens with immigrant backgrounds have higher median incomes than those who are not naturalized. Therefore, if you are planning to immigrate to the US, your citizenship status can significantly affect your earning potential.


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Regional income disparities in the US

Depending on the region, incomes vary widely across the United States. The US Census survey provides a breakdown of average income by region:

Region in the USA Average income
Northeast: $ 80,360
Midwest: $ 73,070
South: $ 68,230
West: $ 82,890

If you are currently planning your move to the US, then it is important that you know these regional differences. They play a big role in salary negotiations with your future US employer.

Which professions earn the best in the USA?

In the complex web of the US labor market, there are some high-demand occupations that are better off than others in terms of earnings. At the top of the list, for example, are healthcare professionals.

Energy engineers and IT managers are also among the current winners. Perennial high-paying jobs include financial professionals, pharmaceutical sales representatives, and executives.

Salary negotiation in the USA

When starting a new career in the US, salary negotiation is a crucial step in getting compensation that matches your skills. We present the most important rules for salary negotiations in the USA:

1. Research thoroughly!

Before you start negotiating, find out the typical salary range for your position and experience in your industry and location in the United States. Websites such as Glassdoor,, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics can provide valuable salary information.

Don't forget to look for additional benefits! In addition to base salary, benefits such as health insurance, retirement contributions, bonuses, and stock options are essential in the US.

2. Pay attention to the timing!

Ideally, you should wait to ask about salary until the employer brings up the subject during the job interview. If this is not the case, ask about salary once the employer has expressed interest in hiring you

3. Show your success mindset

Be enthusiastic about the job and the company. Make it clear that your primary goal is to reach a mutually beneficial agreement when discussing your salary.

Highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications that make you valuable to the company. Be specific about your accomplishments and contributions in previous positions.

4. Get everything in writing!

Once you have reached an agreement with the employer, ask for a formal offer letter that lists your salary, benefits, and other agreed-upon terms. Read it carefully before accepting.

Good employment development in the USA

US Census data shows an overall positive trend in employment. The number of full-time, year-round workers will increase by 3.4 % in 2022.

This suggests a shift towards more stable employment in the US. Ideal conditions if you want financial security while pursuing your American dream.

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